Thunderbird Cylinders | The largest U.S. manufacturer of aluminum gas cylinders

Group of aluminum gas cylinders

Aluminum Gas Cylinders

Thunderbird Cylinders is the largest manufacturer of aluminum gas cylinders in the United States, supporting the compressed gas needs of markets around the globe.

Select from the widest range of high-quality cylinders available

Aluminum cylinders for market-specific applications

Thunderbird cylinders are available in a range of exterior finishes, including powder, brushed, or painted in a variety of colors. Our in-house specialists enable us to achieve fast turnaround times for our custom-engineered specialty gas cylinders.

Thunderbird Gas Cylinder Manufacturing
Made-in-America quality

State‑of‑the‑art manufacturing facilities in Mississippi and North Carolina support the cylinder needs for customers around the world.

Thunderbird Aluminum Gas Cylinders Recycling Program
Cylinder recycling program

Return out‑of‑date Oxygen and CO2 aluminum cylinders for a discount on your order of new cylinders purchased from Thunderbird Cylinders.

[performance under pressure]